Saturday, March 01, 2008

Cadaver de terrorista Raúl Reyes (imagen impactante)

Este es el destino que deberían tener quienes agreden los derechos fundamentales del individuo: afrontar juicio justo o morir bajo su propia ley.


F said...

No sea hipócrita, y si es coherente condene también al Estado-terrorista colombiano que ningún amiguito de la libertad individual es ni ha sido ni de cerca.

Entre ellos se han dado, o según usted los paras y Uribe no son terroristas también ¿?

Y si no así, me aclara cómo, sino es mucha molestia.

Anonymous said...

ME ALEGRO MUCHO! Cuando las FARC son autores de masacres y secuestros lo máximo que reciben de la comunidad internacional son condenas verbales. Toda la vida las FARC se han r3cul34do la soberanía ecuatoriana, adquiriendo pertrechos, municiones, medicinas, recibiendo atención médica, y persiguiendo a los refugiados colombianos bien adentro en territorio ecuatoriano, ahora que el ejército colombiano ha matado a uno de los cabecillas, el orangután Chávez y la hiena sonriente de Carondelet envían tropas a las fronteras y amenazan con guerra. Los hijos de Ingrid Betancourt se van a quedar sin mamá, boohoohoo los franchutitos, la culpa es toda toditita del gobierno narcoparafascistasesino de Alvaro Uribe que truncó las buenas intenciones de las FARC que son tan buenitos que despiden a los rehenes liberados con besitos, abracitos y a una mujer hasta le hicieron un bebe la muy pu74.

Tres guerrilleras colombianas están hospitalizadas en Quito
Tres guerrilleras militantes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) están hospitalizadas en una casa de salud de Quito, a la que llegaron este domingo desde la ciudad amazónica ecuatoriana de Lago Agrio

Colombia acusa a Ecuador de tener compromisos con FARC
Según Naranjo, la información fue hallada en uno de los tres ordenadores que le fue encontrado al número dos de las FARC, abatido el sábado por las autoridades de Bogotá en territorio ecuatoriano.

"Pregunta el gobierno ecuatoriano a las FARC, según el documento de 'Reyes', que si les interesa el reconocimiento de beligerancia, pues comparten los planteamientos del (presidente de Venezuela, Hugo) Chávez en estos temas", dijo Naranjo.

Entonces, los 33 helicópteros de combate, cazas, y los 100K AK47 que Venezuela compró a Rusia no eran para amenazar a los Estados Unidos sino para invadir Colombia. Las FFAA ecuatorianas valen percha labrada convenientemente, a la cual se asegura el grátil de una vela, ya tienen las manos llenas con medio país bajo el agua, el Tungurahua, y las carreteras arruinadas.

Anonymous said...


I think also that the post of yesterday is closer to the real reality, so to speak, of Venezuela, and perhaps illustrates the reason why Chavez is seeking foreign adventure so people do not inquire about how many homeless, squatters, shanty dwellers are still in Venezuela in spite of 9 years of social revolution. Besides I have written that a war with Colombia is suicidal for Venezuela and my opinion has not changed. If Chavez indeed enters a war against Uribe he probably will be booted out of office by its own army before he provokes its destruction.

the real interesting detail yesterday, besides Reyes elimination, was the reaction of Chavez. Reyes might be important for Colombia but it is really a Colombo-Colombian matter even if he was shot on the Ecuador side of the border. The rest of the world, well, they might as well stop holding their breath and set down.

But Chavez of course cannot do so. Not only he is pissed at Lina Ron for stealing the limelight on hostage release day earlier this week, but this action of the Colombian army definitely puts into an increasingly distant background his FARC "humanitarian" successes. After all, once Ingrid is dead who is going to care in the world about any FARC hostages? Once Reyes is out, who can do anything about hostage release until the FARC sorts out its internal matters?

So Chavez pathologically needing to be the center of attention, unable to resit his butt-in tendencies declared yesterday that if Uribe were to attempt the same stunt inside Venezuela, there would be war, "causus bellis" [sic] it would be (2).

This is of course a grievous mistake on his part because his subconscious betrayed him : there must be indeed reasons for Uribe to order police actions on the Venezuela borders. With this simple menace Chavez in fact admits that the Venezuelan border is nothing more than the rest area of the FARC guerrillas and that these ones roam around in Venezuela. We already knew that, of course, and for memory just the case of Granda should be mentioned. But Chavez yesterday implied that the FARC operates freely in Venezuela and that he is protecting them and that he supports these terrorists and drug traffickers enough to go to war for them. I cannot underestimate the meaning of this, the real meaning that is, beyond the military flourish that Chavez would like the world to think.

He also asked whether Colombia was becoming the Israel of the region, which also betrayed his antisemitism: anti semites are experts at finding ways to criticize Israel but not Jews, with sometimes a certain justice one must say, at the drop of the hat, even if the analogy with Colombia is rather debased.

It looks like the computer taken at Raul Reyes camp had information that would point out to a direct link between the government of Correa and the FARC, à la Chavez. That would explain the harsh position assumed today by Correa whereas yesterday he was behaving much more like a head of state. I mean, let's start from the beginning here, how come Reyes was in Ecuador? Don't they supervise their border over there? Or has Ecuador become equally a haven for the FARC as Venezuela is? Truly, if there is a smoking gun of the sort toward Ecuador current administration, expect trouble for Correa as his opposition is not as wishy washy as the Venezuelan one that could not even supervise the first scandalous shipments of oil to Cuba.

According to MSNBC.COM, Chavez asked for a moment of silence during his program Sunday in honor of Reyes,and praised Reyes as “a true revolutionary,” and said he met the former trade union leader in Brazil in the 90's.

If he (Chavez) thinks that Venezuelans will forget about their hunger and lack of basic food staples by starting a war with Colombia, he's certainly delusional and an egomaniac.

The other hipothesis is that he NEEDS this war like a desperado. Just to come to the most violent national scenario and THEN suspend 'las garantías'. That would be his ticket to stop the regional elections.

MarcosKtulu said...

Muerte a los terroristas, Reyes y plebeyos.

F said...

Me sorprende la facilidad de hablar así de la muerte de alguien. El Estado narcofascita de Uribe es real, las FARC son la competencia, pero nunca se compara el poder de acción de la banda de ladrones institucionalizada, las FARC se van y queda el terrorismo del Estado colombiano.

Si le damos vire a Uribe por terrorista luego dirán que somos malavados, sanguinarios o qué también??

Es increíble cómo el fanatismo ciega, sea fanatismo de izquierda o fanatismo de derecha, randianos o marxistas... extremistas (y en el peor sentido)
